Desert Edge Arts * Gallery * Picture Framing * Art Supplies * Progress

IMG_7582We are so excited as we continue to plod along with preparation of the shops for Desert Edge Arts Gallery-Picture Framing-Art Supplies

The 2 shops that will house Desert Edge Arts 87 & 89 Nelson Street will become the cohesive home that houses Desert Edge Arts Gallery. Gallery, Picture Framing, Art Supplies, as well as running weekly workshops in Karen’s Open Studio Space at Desert Edge Arts.

Shop 87 has these beautiful wings that come out from the front door and bring to my mind that they are like arms reaching out to hug you. These beautiful shop front windows will make awesome displays to the street scape of Nhill and be very visible to the community from the super market across the road, always a hive of activity and for the traffic that pass’s by the front door on the Western Highway, one of Victoria’s busiest highways.

So even before you enter the shop itself, these beautiful windows offering 3 metres of wall display space each and being a bit over a metre wide, will be a beautiful addition to the street scape of Nhill.

We have been busy plugging up pin holes in the walls of these L shaped windows as they have been used as notice boards for quite some time. Being the size that they are, we intend to have a professional hanging system in the windows as well.


IMG_7570The last of the prep for the walls in ready for painting has now been done in preparation for the beautiful contemporary colour scheme we have chosen for the gallery walls. A lot of research went into the choice of the gallery walls colour so that all artworks displayed in the gallery will always be the Hero.

IMG_7576We have a good starting point in shelving for the art supplies that are coming into the store, but will need to add more to this to house all the Art supplies that are coming into the space. Desert Edge Arts aim to house the largest supply of art materials in the Wimmera, but to begin with we have a decent selection of a wide variety of materials and this will continue to grow we are excited to be bringing this business of Gallery, Picture Framing and Art Supply’s to our community in Nhill.

The flooring we are still debating between carpet or leaving as boards, for a bit of a rustic feel, or the more sensible carpet tiles would be the quickest solution and perhaps also the most cost effective, and reduce noise and keep the room warmer in winter.

We are also finding out the history of the shop its origins being it was originally  the shop front of one of the original garages in Nhill this could also mean the floor boards have more history on them than we want, and be the decider between rustic or carpet tiles.

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